Immerse yourself in the thermal waters of our outdoor pools at Grotta Giusti. The main swimming pool is 750 m² in size, and features some of the latest fixtures to help you relax and unwind, including a series of four-spout hydro-massage jets and the natural waterfall massage.
The water in our large bath, always set at a calming 34°C, is rich in bicarbonate, sulphate, calcium and magnesium, which is beneficial to the body. It also features 40 hydro-massage stations for a relaxing massage around every corner.
Grotta Giusti, the largest thermal cave in Europe, is an age-old, still intact and wonderful cave that stretches over two hundreds meters below the hill. Divided into three distinct areas called Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell, the cave offers visitors a chance to experience a unique environment with temperatures ranging from 28° to 34° C, and natural steam with healing and therapeutic properties. The interiors of the cave are decorated with stalactite and stalagmite formations and feature several underground labyrinths with spacious caverns where you can relax in total peace and quiet. The large vaults in the rock are natural formations that are the perfect place to sit and enjoy the detoxifying steam that surrounds you.